
Showing posts from May, 2018

Looking for Watch Parties in Los Angeles

It's really hard to find a bar or restaurant that will show professional wrestling. We've all been there, but using these tips you should be able to find a place to watch pro-wrestling in Los Angeles. I'll be working to find both a weekly location for WWE RAW and the bi-monthly "pay-per-views."   It's difficult to find a place for the PPV because they are no longer on TV, but on the WWE Network. Most bars don't have the Network, and WWE doesn't sell to them. If you want to watch a PPV at a bar talk to the manager/owner in advance. Request a TV with sound and subtitles. Let them know you'll be inviting other people and promoting the bar. Make sure you can hook your roku, cromecast, laptop to the TV via HDMI or some other cable.   Most bars get the USA Network and already pay for it now you just have to figure out if they are on the East Coast or West Coast feed. Basically does the bar show RAW at 5pm or 8pm? Go in advance to check this all

Donate Now!

Combat Arts Preservation and Education (CAPE) is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and study of professional wrestling, catch as catch can, Lucha Libre, Puroresu, Sports entertainment, and Hardcore. Please donate now ! ( link )   We will begin meeting weekly to watch WWE RAW in Los Angeles, California in 2018.   It's an exciting time to be a fan of combat arts.

1st Post

Since I've had so many wrestling blogs over the years I'm going to donate them to CAPE and have them collected all here. I hate for things to go to waste and there are so many useful bits of information here or there. If you have any pro-wrestling media you own the license to and would like to make a charitable donate to CAPE please email with a description of the items and your contact information. You'll be able to find them under "Classics." Please donate ! (need to buy) Twitter: @CombatArtsEdu @EricJacksonWWC @HollywoodWWC @SanFranciscoWWC #CombatArtsEdu #CombatArts #CombatAPE #CAPE #CombatEdu #CombatArtsPreservation #CombatArtsMovement